Delafield car show for 2015 is on Sept 13th. Admission is $10 per car at the gate; public viewing is free. This Year’s Presenting Sponsor is The Delafield Chamber of Commerce, with Event organization and sponsorship by An American Classic, with additional show support by many Delafield business, Tom’s Auto body, Gary’s Auto Repair, Encompass Realty of Lake Country, Haus of Prime Meats, Milwaukee Street Trader, Heather Gall State Farm Agency, Just to name a few, Thanks
to all!!
Pray for no rain... event will not be rescheduled in that event.
Show time is 10am to 3:00 pm with people choice awards given out at the end of the show. The entertainment this year is presented by Hot Rod Radio and Captain Bob, music from the 50’s,60’s,70’s,80’s.
Entry for the show is on HWY C at Milwaukee Street.